Saturday, May 30, 2009


Steve had another big event today. It was Hungary's Children's Day. United Way puts on an event with free activities for the kids. There is tons of entertainment from puppet shows to school bands. There are booths where the kids can have their face painted, play music and sing along with friends and tour the inside of a fire truck. The weather tried to participate but gave bits of rain throughout the day. I visited Steve and said hello and took a bunch of photos. Here is my favorite.

Panka asked if these guyes would take the photo with me. She explained that both my grandfathers and father were all firefighters. (I have a gut feeling that all firefighters have a little jokster in them. The guy on the right looks like he would participate in some of the jokes I have heard about....)

1 comment:

grandma J. said...

Grandpa and I enjoyed the photo. I'm sure that you made the firefighters day. Sounds like a fun day for Steve also, after a lot of preparation I imagine.
