Thursday, September 24, 2009

What costume should we wear?

We will be at a Halloween party next month. We really haven't gone to many costume parties in the past.

What should we dress-up as? Any ideas?

p.s. Our selection of costumes, make-up, etc. is a bit limited here in Budapest compared to the states.


Andrea said...

Come on! in Hungary each and every year we have a party called Farsang. This is held in February. And each and every kid dress up. The idea of having a costume is to be creative and you have to create it on your own. Not to buy an instant one. I will check internet for your for kids photos of farsang so you could get an idea what you could create on your own. You cold be clowns. This is the easiest to do. : )))) Two years ago with my colleagues we did not want to invest lots of money. So I thought we could be men in black. All you need is black and with cloth and sunglasses. : ))) Time to be creative!!!

Jane said...

i pretty much always go as a cat. just wear black, put some cardboard ears on a headband, some sort of tail and eyeliner for whiskers. not that exciting but easy and main criteria for halloween costumes.